Monday, January 31, 2011

Being a Farmer's Daughter

What do you think of when you hear the words, "The Farmer's Daughter"?  Most likely something from a country song comes to mind.  Perhaps an image of a beautiful blonde with a tan and cut off jeans, plaid shirt, and cowboy hat?  Well, I am far from fitting that picture.  I believe being the daughter of a farmer is far more than an outward appearance or the daily tasks one might go about, but rather it is an inward set of values and experiences that I will forever carry with me.

My father instilled in me the values of hard work, honesty, and perseverance.  Whether it's a good trait or not, he gave me my streak of perfectionism.  Growing up on a farm and in a farming community can teach you a tremendous amount about life, death, loyalty, friendship, economics, government (usually not anything positive), weather, math, science, and the environment.  Farm-life is also one that affirms God's existence.  It is difficult to watch a baby calf being born or crops growing and not believe in God as the creator of life.  

I have always been proud of my farm upbringing and always will be.  The experiences I have had are ones I would love for my own children to have and hopefully I (with the help of God and my hubby) can make that happen. I am not afraid to get dirty and I am eager to get back to a simpler way of life. Here we go!