Monday, January 31, 2011

Being a Farmer's Daughter

What do you think of when you hear the words, "The Farmer's Daughter"?  Most likely something from a country song comes to mind.  Perhaps an image of a beautiful blonde with a tan and cut off jeans, plaid shirt, and cowboy hat?  Well, I am far from fitting that picture.  I believe being the daughter of a farmer is far more than an outward appearance or the daily tasks one might go about, but rather it is an inward set of values and experiences that I will forever carry with me.

My father instilled in me the values of hard work, honesty, and perseverance.  Whether it's a good trait or not, he gave me my streak of perfectionism.  Growing up on a farm and in a farming community can teach you a tremendous amount about life, death, loyalty, friendship, economics, government (usually not anything positive), weather, math, science, and the environment.  Farm-life is also one that affirms God's existence.  It is difficult to watch a baby calf being born or crops growing and not believe in God as the creator of life.  

I have always been proud of my farm upbringing and always will be.  The experiences I have had are ones I would love for my own children to have and hopefully I (with the help of God and my hubby) can make that happen. I am not afraid to get dirty and I am eager to get back to a simpler way of life. Here we go! 


  1. When I hear "Farmers Daughter" I picture a beautiful brown hair, brown eye, fun and happy girl (oh...and maybe around 29 yrs old). I love you Julie and hope to help you in your dream goals here at the farm. You may not be able to take the farm out of the girl but you can bring the farm to a townie!

  2. Hope to follow this wonderful and interesting Farmer and her family; Hope to see some of your receipes, etc. posted here Ms. Julie.
